Henry Samson
BAPTISM: 15 January 1603/4 at Henlow, co. Bedford, England, son of James and Martha (Cooper) Samson.
MARRIAGE: Ann Plummer, 6 February 1635/6 at Plymouth.
CHILDREN: Elizabeth, Hannah, daughter (name unknown), John, Mary, Dorcas, James, Stephen, and Caleb.
DEATH: 24 December 1684 at Duxbury.
Henry Samson was born in Henlow, co. Bedford, England, and came on the Mayflower at the age of about 17 with his uncle and aunt, Edward and Ann (Cooper) Tilley. He married Ann Plummer in 1635/6 at Plymouth, became a freeman in Plymouth around that time, and volunteered for service in the Pequot War of 1637 (but Plymouth's company was not called into service). By 1643 he had moved to Duxbury, where he became constable in 1661, and tax collector for 1667 and 1668. He was on a large number of juries and grand juries, and was appointed a surveyor on a couple of occasions. His wife Ann died sometime between 1668 and 1684; he died in 1684 at Duxbury.
The parish church of Henlow, Bedfordshire, where Henry Samson was baptized on 15 January 1603/4.