Gift Shop

The giftshop contains a curated list of Mayflower-related books, audiobooks, documentaries, paintings and prints, coins and stamps, historical artifacts, genealogy resources and DNA kits. These are affiliate links to stores like, eBay, AbeBooks, Ancestry, FamilyTreeDNA, and others. Links for international purchases are available for many items. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. I receive a small commission on the sales, which helps support the costs of this website and my research, education and publication efforts. Thank you for your generous support in using these links.



Books and Audiobooks

Primary Sources; Pilgrim, Mayflower and Plymouth Colony Histories; Genealogies; and Biographies.


Documentaries and Movies

Videos and documentaries about the Mayflower and the Pilgrims.


Genealogy and DNA

Genealogy websites and DNA testing kits.