Will of Bartholomew Allerton

DATED:  15 October 1658 at Bamfield, co. Suffolk, England.

Knowe all men by these presents

That I Bartholomew Allerton of Bamfield in the Countye of Suff Clerke, being of perfect disposinge memorie doe make this my last will and Testament Imprimis I will my Bodie to be decentlye buried at the discretion of of my Executrix Hereafter to be named Item my worldlie goodes I dispose of in manner followinge (that is to say) To each of my children I bequeath five shillings a peece to be paid to every of them imediately after my decease

Item I will all my goodes, chattells, bills, bondes, debts houshold stuffe beddinge and whatsoever is properly mine (except the wearinge lynen of Margarett my late wife) I give and bequeath unto Sarah my wel beloved wife for and towards the payment of my debtes and the educaten of my children And the said Sarah I doe by these presents constitute and appoint the Sole Executrix of this my last will and Testament

Wittnes my hand and seale this fifteenth day of October in the yeare of our Lord one thousand sixe hundred fiftye and eight

Barth Allerton

Sealed and declared to be my last will and Testament in the presence
of Beniamin ffairefax Jun, Edmund Watkin, Nath ffairefax